1. Help center
  2. Easy setup
  3. Get started in 8 simple steps

Step-by-step instructions

To get you setup with nooa, we put together eight short tasks

Click on Show me to watch a video with step-by-step instructions:

  1. Create account ✅
  2. Create and activate user 😄 Show me
  3. Log in to mobile app 📱 Show me
  4. Create pinboard 📋 Show me
  5. Add pinboard photo and members ➕ Show me
  6. Create first post 🎉 Show me
  7. Comment and like post 💙💚❤️ Show me
  8. Send message 💬 Show me
  9. Assign task 🏁 Show me

Contact us!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us: hello@nooa.app or 0330 818 8540.