nooa Magazine

3 tips that keep your dom care business profitable

Written by Martin Jäger | May 10, 2023 8:30:00 AM Z

Running a domiciliary care business in the UK is tough. It is a sector that relies on being efficient, with the right processes, procedures, and communication channels in place. Unfortunately, despite the high demand for care services, many dom care businesses struggle or fail. A report by the social care charity Hft found that last year, 43% of providers had to close down parts of their business or hand back contracts to their local authority. To avoid being part of this statistic, it is crucial to manage costs and maximize revenue while securing the highest possible quality of care.

Here are three tips to help keep your domiciliary care business profitable, so you can continue providing high-quality care to your clients:

Tip #1: Clearly define processes and responsibilities

One of the most significant challenges of running a dom care business is managing schedules and ensuring that all clients receive the appropriate care at the right time. To achieve this, it is essential to have clear processes and responsibilities in place.

Start by defining the steps involved in the care delivery process, from initial assessment to ongoing support. Identify the key tasks that need to be completed at each stage and assign responsibilities to specific team members. This will help ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them and that there is no duplication of effort or missed tasks.


Tip #2: Communicate clearly and effectively, using the right channels 

Communication is critical in any business, but it is particularly important in dom care. With so many people involved in the care delivery process, including clients, their families, and various care providers, it can be challenging to keep everyone informed and up to date.

To address this, it is essential to have clear communication channels in place. Reduce the number of channels that you use to a minimum, and be clear and consistent. Do not allow staff to use whatever channel they like. This risks communication spreading across email, phone, WhatsApp, text message, casual conversations and team meetings, meaning that information does not reach whoever needs it, when they need it.

To see if and where you can improve, test your communication in just 3 minutes:

Finally, when communication is spread across channels, everyone looses. For example, phone calls in dom care waste up to 3 hours per day of office staff time - and bear the risk of misunderstandings and important information being missed.

Tip #3: Embrace Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool for dom care providers. It can help to streamline processes, improve communication, and reduce costs. For example, using a cloud-based scheduling system can help ensure that all team members have access to the latest schedule information, reducing the risk of scheduling errors and missed visits.

There are also a variety of apps and software programs available that can help improve the care delivery process. For example, My Home Life, an app developed by Age UK, provides a range of information and resources for care providers and clients, including tips for staying healthy, advice on managing medications, and links to local support services.

It matters - to provide the best possible care

Running a dom care business is challenging but also incredibly rewarding. By following these three tips – clearly defining processes and responsibilities, communicating effectively through the right channels, and embracing technology – you can help ensure that your business remains profitable and provides the best possible care for your clients.

For real-life insights, Caremark Aylesbury & Wycombe fixed communication by adopting nooa’s communication platform. You can read the full report by clicking here.

Remember that providing high-quality care is the ultimate goal, and by managing costs and maximizing revenue, you can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in more practical advice for running a profitable dom care business that delivers outstanding care to clients.You can contact us via our contact form, by email ( or
phone: 0330 818 8540.