Activate user account

Once you have your 6-digit access code, you can activate your user account on your PC or in the mobile app as follows:

  1. On your PC, open the log-in page: or download the nooa app: for Android in the Google Play Store and for iPhone in the App Store
  2. Click:
    1. On your PC: "Create account via access code"
    2. In the mobile app in the top right "Create account"
  3. Enter your first name and the 6-digit access code
  4. Now, enter a strong password
    1. Note: Follow the password guidelines. Your password needs at least 8 characters, including a number, a special character, an upper case letter and a lower case letter
    2. Check that you have written the password identically both times by clicking the "eye" symbol. This will allow you to read the password
  5. Move the slider to the right under "I have read the Privacy Policy Platform"
    1. Note for mobile users: depending on the settings and mobile phone, the keyboard may hide this slider i.e. the slider may not be immediately visible. To bring the slider into view, scroll down or hide the keyboard briefly
  6. At the bottom of the page, click on "Create account" or the arrow, depending on whether you are sitting in front of the PC or your mobile phone
  7. Done! Make a note of your nooa ID and log in to get started

If you have any difficulties, feel free to contact us at any time under
