Add a user to a pinboard

In the next step, add the new user to the pinboard you created earlier. There are two ways to do this: via the Admin Cockpit or the pinboard

Option 1: Via the Admin Cockpit

Add the user to a pinboard via her user details

In the user administration, click on the three vertical dots behind the user's status and select "Edit user". You are now in the user details view and can make adjustments. Scroll down the window until you reach the "Pinboards" field. Click on "add".

Get started with nooa_Add user to pinboard_Admin Cockpit_1

Select the pinboard to which you want to add the user.

Click on "Add user".

Get started with nooa_Add user to pinboard_Admin Cockpit_2

See the new pinboard in the user details

Get started with nooa_Add user to pinboard_Admin Cockpit_3

Option 2: Via the pinboard

Add a user to the pinboard via the "Members" tab.

Navigate back to the nooa app. Go to your pinboard and select the "Members" tab there. Click on "Invite".

Get started with nooa_Add user to pinboard_Pinboard_1

Select the user you want to add to the pinboard.

Click on "Add".

Get started with nooa_Add user to pinboard_Pinboard_2

View the new user via the member overview

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