Can I really improve working conditions for my staff? How is this supposed to work?

A problem is that people are often unaware of how many different communication channels they actually use and how much time this costs them. If you think about it, you can understand why many employees are overworked.

Some of our users told us that with nooa, they realised for the first time how much effort and time they previously spent on communication and organisation. Of course, the nooa platform cannot prevent the exchange of information - we don't want that at all. Rather, all information is centralised and is made available to the right people at the right time. This helps everyone in the team and ensures better working conditions.

In general: transparent communication reduces errors and increases the quality of care. By reducing queries or, for example, the phone tag that often happens with phone calls, a lot of time can be saved.

By the way: the Paper Jungle is one of the most popular functionalities of the nooa platform. Reducing the 'mental workload' by writing down things instead of keeping them in your head means that you can concentrate on the important things during the day - and finish work with a clear head.