How do I create and edit Teams in nooa?

Admins can group users into teams in just a few steps. We explain how

Create Team

  1. Click on your profile picture and select "Admin Cockpit"
  2. In the Admin Cockpit, click on "Teams" in the left navigation bar
  3. Now click on the button "Create team":
    1. Assign a team name
    2. Optional: add a picture for the team
    3. Click on "Add user" and select the users you want to add to the team
    4. Click on "Create team"
  4. You can now use the team in nooa!

How to get the most out of Teams? We put together a short list with examples here: Real-life tips: Using Teams successfully

 Edit Team
  1. Click on your profile picture and select "Admin Cockpit"
  2. In the Admin Cockpit, click on "Teams" in the left navigation bar
  3. Click on the 3 vertical dots, then on "Edit team":
    1. You can change the team name and profile picture
    2. Add more users to the team by clicking on "Add user"
    3. Remove individual users from the team by clicking on "Delete"
    4. Click on "Save changes"
  4. Your team has now been updated!

Changes are applied immediately, i.e. you no longer have to add or remove individual members from pinboards, clients, tasks or mentions!

Delete Team

  1. Click on your profile picture and select "Admin Cockpit"
  2. In the Admin Cockpit, click on "Teams" in the left navigation bar
  3. Click on the 3 vertical dots, then on "Delete Team"
    1. Confirm the deletion
  4. The team is now removed from nooa!