Real-life tips: Using Teams successfully

With Teams, a lot can be done easier and faster!

First things first: a team is a group of individual users. This means that teams can be used like users!

To get started, create your Teams. Here is a step-by-step guide: How do I create and edit Teams in nooa?

How to use Teams

Add Teams to pinboards

  1. Instead of managing users as "Members" on pinboards, you can add an entire team with one click. If you use the team on several pinboards, you can conveniently manage members via Teams in one place.
  2. For example:
    1. You only have one member on the "Care team" pinboard: the "Carers" team. Members of this team are all of your carers.
    2. The member of the pinboard "Lambeth" is the team "Lambeth". This allows you to easily add or remove carers. The same applies to "Southwark", "Hackney", "On-call", and all other teams.
    3. You can easily create staff files in nooa. There are only two members on each pinboard: the staff member and the "HR" team. If someone from HR is on leave, nothing gets missed!
    4. On the "Carers" pinboard, you have two teams as members: "Carers" and "Care supervisors". This is especially helpful if you have many carers and care supervisors!

Mention Teams with "@

  1. When you mention a team, all members of the team receive an automatic notification. Compared to an individual user, everyone knows that the team was mentioned.
  2. For example:
    1. "@on-call: Mr Smith's medication is missing. Please try to find it, else inform his daughter."
    2. "@office team - #FrankGreen's daughter just called to cancel tomorrow's appointment. @care supervisors - client is in hospital until the 19th."
    3. "@care staff - please get timesheets to me or @office team by end of the week. Thank you."
    4. "@Care Pros - new rotas attached. Please go through by Friday and leave questions as comments."
    5. "@HR - leave request from 22.03 to 26.03. Is this ok?"
    6. "@Management - CQC coming by on 03.06. @Quality assurance should have prepared all documents incl. training handbooks, task already created and assigned."
    7. "@office - today #SaraBoyle is coming with her daughter to discuss the care plan at 12 o'clock."

Assign tasks to Teams

  1. A single person is not always responsible for a task. By assigning tasks to a team, you save a lot of back and forth. Automatic notifications keep everyone in the loop - as soon as the task is created, commented, edited or completed!
  2. For example:
    1. Task: "Collect medication for Frank Smith from Dr. Brown" is assigned to the "Carers" team. A carer is passing the GP's office and picks up the medication. Task checked off - everyone is notified automatically.
    2. Task: "Pick up Chlorthalidone for Mrs Boyle at the pharmacy" is assigned to the team "Hackney". The care manager also has to pick up medication for Mr Smith and takes the medication for Mrs Boyle with her. Task completed.
    3. Task: "Collect timesheets from care team for June" is assigned to the "Office" team. The temp sees this, comments "I'll do it" and assigns the task to herself.
    4. Task: "Send new hire questionnaire to @Danielle and forward to management" is assigned to the "HR" team. The manager sees the task and has already completed it. She comments "Already done, questionnaire attached" and marks the task as done.

Assign clients to Teams

  1. If several carers are responsible for a client, you can assign the client to them as a team. The team is automatically informed of any new messages from the client or their relatives!
  2. For example:
    1. SaraBoyle is assigned to the team "Southwark". The daughter writes: "Visit tomorrow must be cancelled. My mother is in hospital until 17.07. Please confirm." Although the rota has not yet been updated, the care coordinator knows immediately and updates the team.
    2. Frank Green is assigned to the "Care Pros" team. The son reports: "New MAR is on the table, including the newest medication. Picture attached." The care manager creates a task for the "on-call" team and everyone is in the loop.
    3. Mr Smith is assigned to the "Carers" team. The daughter reports: "My father is out and does not need visits this week. Please resume Monday." The whole team is automatically informed.

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