Real-life tips: Communicating with clients, relatives and family caregivers

Use nooa in these situations to save a lot of time and effort when communicating with clients, relatives and family caregivers. Without wasting hours on the phone!


Real-life examples

Written confirmations

Send a message for written confirmation:

  1. "The invoice has been sent"
  2. "As discussed, the key is in the mailbox"
  3. "We picked up the new MAR. It is on the dresser" or "FYI, your father refused to go out again today."

Answering queries

Answer queries quickly and in a time-effective manner:

  1. Enquiry about care plan
  2. Incorrect invoice
  3. Blood sugar and weight from last week

Coordinating appointments

Coordinate appointments reliably:

  1. "Hi Mrs Jones, can you be at your mother's house next Friday for the 11:00am visit?"
  2. "As discussed, we will come by next Tuesday at 9:00am and not 11:00am."
  3. "Mr Williams can come by on Friday at 10:30am for the consultation. Is that okay with you?"

Sharing information

Share information and documents:

  1. Dietary recommendation for diabetics
  2. Information on fall prevention
  3. Preventing dehydration

Sending reminders

Sending reminders to clients and relatives:

  1. "Susanne will come by today at 10 am."

  2. "Please remember that we moved the visit tomorrow due to the doctor's appointment."
  3. "Please send us a picture of the new MAR for your mother or leave it on the dresser."

Keeping an eye on medications

Keep an eye on medications:

  1. "Hi Mrs. Daniels, the prescription for your father is running out. Could you please renew it by Tuesday?"
  2. "Unfortunately, Dr. Robin's prescription is wrong. Please adjust to 3x daily insulin. Thank you."
  3. "The medication for your father is almost empty. Could you please re-order and confirm by the end of next week?"

Sending documents

Sending documents quickly and securely:

  1. "Hi Williams family, attached is the cost estimate as a PDF. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions."
  2. "Hi Mr Arnold, here is the care plan. Is everything correct?"
  3. "As discussed, we adjusted the daily visits Mon, Wed and Fri. Here is a summary. Can you briefly confirm that everything is OK?"

Do you want to find out more on how to communicate reliably and easily with clients, relatives and family caregivers?

Here is a short guide: Communicating with relatives